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Editing Step 18 —

Step Type:

Drag to rearrange

X-Axis: Pressing the left arrow will move the bed to the right, and vice versa.

This is correct as the nozzle position has moved in a negative direction relative to the platform.

Y-Axis: Pressing the down arrow will move the Hotend towards the front of the printer and vice versa.

Z-Axis: Pressing the double up arrow will move the gantry up and vice versa.

You will not be able to move to a positive position from your original starting position - this is normal.

If an axis moves in the opposite direction double check that you have uploaded the Proforge 2S Firmware if you are building with TMC2100 drivers. If you've uploaded the correct firmware and are still getting incorrect motion, see next step.

If an axis is not moving power down the printer and check steps 19, 20 and 21 relating to the stepper drivers and stepper driver jumpers.

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