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A mistake was made by our supplier for a batch of the heater cartridge and thermistor (red and white cables) cable lengths. Their lengths should have been 1.2m, however some are only 1m long.

If you have cables that are 20cm too short you can (in order of quickest):

Solder, use cable blocks or crimp to add extra cable. For the heater cartridge you need to use 24AWG. For the thermistor you can use 28AWG.

Order a longer set locally. The heater cartridge is 24V, 40W, 6*20mm. The thermistor is a 100k NTC thermistor. They are both very common and cheap parts (little over a dollar each), you should be able to find them on sites like Amazon, eBay and Aliexpress:

Or get in touch with us by completing this form.

If you are waiting for a replacement you can still wire the shorter cables, you can get slightly more length by not including it in the main stem and routing it along the support beam instead, then plugging it in with the gantry lowered. For the mean time though this does result in a lower max z-height.

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