The Proforge 4 ships in two boxes.
Box A:
This box is the same for all Proforge 4 kits. It contains the extrusions, electronics and cnc'd parts.
Box B:
This box will be custom to your order. It will contain upgrades such as the enclosure and the touch screen.
Allen keys, pliers and cable ties.
You will need:
Scissors, lighter, cross head screwdriver, small flat head screwdriver, tape measure
A thick lithium based grease for longevity of the tool changing mechanism. And liquid machine lubricant for the rails.
If you are building with a regular SO3 print head (non-REVO) then you will also need a 7mm and 8mm spanner for hot tightening the nozzle.
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With the first batch of kits that were shipped (before Jan 2024) there were the following issues - these have now all been resolved, and you should have received updated hardware.
Proforge 4.1 packages include these items in a separate brown envelope in BOX B.
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