The side panel can be attached before securing these cables, but installing the entire enclosure later once you're all set up is easier - as moving the machine around is harder with the enclosure installed.
We'll make an adjustment to this cable for the next batch but they can be plugged in directly without any problems, an image has just been uploaded to highlight this.
The side panel can be attached before securing these cables, but installing the entire enclosure later once you're all set up is easier - as moving the machine around is harder with the enclosure installed.
This step has been moved now.
Noted, we'll see what we can do in future batches to make this step easier.
Polarity for the bed cable is not important.
This nut is not necessary.
Moved this to earlier in the guide now.
Jumpers on HE1 & HE0 do not matter as the print heads are connected to the print head tool board and not the main control board.
Red - updated.
We'll make an adjustment to this cable for the next batch but they can be plugged in directly without any problems, an image has just been uploaded to highlight this.
Firmware file now available - config a slicer profiles to follow shortly.
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